Tips on Positive Anxiety

by admin | 14th January 2012

  • One can never breath a client’s air for them – but you can give them a whole lot more oxygen. Don’t try to be them and don’t try to assume, but always be ready and prepared to go the extra mile – with anxiety comes greater need.
  • Take them off defence and attack. A client has decided to put their trust in you, now it is time to help them sell that commitment powerfully into their organisation. They will face detractors – make it easy for them to address such obstacles through the power and value of your work. Then there will never be a need for any attack.
  • The right answer to an essential question has a better chance of being valid if both sides accept honesty. Treat your partner as an equal – equal to the task of co-creating and working through the solutions together. Together, you win. Never assume the other side are naive – there are always those quite capable of wearing the mask of a fool, to hide a wise head.
  • Forced engagements always end in emotional divorce. Never pursue a plan if your partner simply cannot come along with you. There is always a way, but is far better to start right than to fix wrong.
  • Facts and truths are not the same thing. Facts, though important, are the collation of data from any time, whilst business truth is the real life condition. Be armed with knowledge, be primed to handle essential matters in real time.
  • Trust is a line of credit. Borrowing is not the bad part of business, not doing the right thing where that line of credit is.
  • Never leave a stove unattended; constant care is the least you should ever do.

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